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Zoning Committee Meeting

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Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021  7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Virtual meeting arranged / Chaired by Sarah McCarthy


Approval of the January 26th, 2021 DRAFT minutes. 

New Committee Member.  A motion by Zoning Chair Mark Harris to approve Hope Anastasakis.

Old Business:


753 S Downing ADU: Public Hearing at City Council Tuesday, February 16th. Council unanimously approved the rezoning from U-SU-B to U SU-B1 to allow an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) in an existing two-story alley structure.


925 S Pennsylvania ADU: Case 2020I-00146.  Public Hearing at City Council Tuesday, February 16th. Council unanimously approved the rezoning from U-SU-B to U-SU-A1 to make legal residential space above a garage as an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU).


Ongoing Business:


73, 75, and 87 N. Lincoln Street at 1st and Lincoln. Potential rezoning from G-MU-5 to G-MS-5 to allow for commercial use. We met with the Owner and his Reps in November. Gertie to report.


1001 S Pearl ST. Now zoned U-SU-B.  The building is a former church, built in 1964.  Nothing has been filed, but the property owner has indicated a desire to pursue a PUD. Sarah to report.


InterNeighborhood Cooperation Zoning and Planning Committee (INC ZAP) Report from Gertie.


521 S Downing.  BOA Case No. 12-2021  Hearing Date & Time 3/2/2021 10:00 AM   Inspector Sophia Reid. This is an Appeal of a Denial for a second story addition.  The WWPNA Board approved a letter of support to be written by Gertie Grant and submitted to the Board of Adjustments. 


New Business:


225 E Bayaud. Old Baha’i Center has new owners under contract. Yiannis and Travis have a plan to preserve the building. 


44 ½ N Logan ST.  BOA Case NO. 11-2021 Hearing Date and Time: March 9th, 2021.  9:30 AM. Appeal of a Denial for a Change of Use from Carriage House to ADU with setback violations. Inspector Amir Abu-Jaber.  Applicant Benjamin Colter. 


91 S Sherman.  BOA Case NO. 9-2021.  Hearing Date and Time: Feb 23rd, 10:30am. Appeal of a denial of a permit to erect a detached carport resulting in a total building coverage of 1,642 square feet, exceeding the maximum allowed building coverage by 142 square feet (50% or 1,500 square foot maximum building coverage permitted), and encroaching 5 feet into the 5 foot rear setback, in a G-MU-3 UO-3 zone. Owners Valli Yegappan and Tim Creany.  Owner Agent Jorge Eguiarte. To attend the meeting, visit the Board of Adjustments page at:  Click on Current Docket, then scroll down to the bottom of the Docket for a Zoom Link.


Kentucky Inn, 890 S Pearl Owner Jim Armstrong reached out to WWPNA is late January because he  is interested in making a temporary outdoor patio permanent. The Denver Temporary Patio rules (that have allowed patios on the street along Broadway and at Penn and Bayaud) extend through October. The plan is to invite Jim to speak about the situation at our March meeting.  Mark has reached out to Excise and Licensing to see if there would be an opportunity for a Good Neighbor Agreement. 


1176 S Clarkson.  2020-ZONE-0006397.  ZPIN - Zoning Permit for Informational Notice - for an overheight fence. send any questions, comments or objections to by March 5, 2021 with the address and zoning record ID. An application for a fence permit that exceeds the 6 foot height limit when located behind the Primary street facing Primary Structure Façade. Specifically, the request is to construct 26 linear feet of new wood privacy fence with metal posts; 19.5 linear feet at 8 ft tall and 6.5 linear feet at 6 ft tall. Linda F to report.


Other Business:


Group Living Zoning Code text amendments.City Council February 8, 2021.  THe WWPNA Board did not take a position.  Sarah McCarthy sent the results of WWPNA Survey to Jolon Clark. 


Feedback Session for Marijuana proposal. Denver held a stakeholder feedback session on February 17, 2021 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. During this time, Department staff presented  the changes to the draft bills and provided time for questions and public comment on the second drafts. 


Overlay Committee progress: On hold


Gloria LaFree is battling some serious health concerns.  We hope she can come back soon.


Next WWPNA Board Meeting:  Tuesday, March 6th, 2021 - 6:30pm via Zoom  *April 21st annual meeting*


Next ZonCom meetings:            Tuesday, March 30th, 2021- 7pm via Zoom

February 17

WWPNA Land Use and Transportation (LUT) Committee Meeting

February 24

Broadway and Lincoln Mobility Improvements (DOTI Public Meeting)