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AGENDA – DOTI projects and update on Bayaud
1) There are a number of Denver of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) currently underway that affect the western part of WWPNA. DOTI will be hosting a virtual meeting on Feb 24th to provide residents and businesses an update on the exciting mobility and safety projects we have around Broadway & Lincoln from Speer to I25. The LUT meeting will share the background and history of these initiatives so that residents can be better informed when attending the DOTI meeting on Feb. 24th. Flyer for Feb. 24th meeting attached.
a) I-25 and Broadway update - including the I-25/Broadway-Lincoln Section 106 respond to CDOT
b) Denver Moves Broadway - Broadway protected bike lane
c) Lincoln Transit Safety improvements
d) South Central Community updates – neighborhood bikeways and pedestrian safety measures.
2) Bayaud and the upcoming changes.