How long have you been attending meetings or volunteering with WWPNA?
I've been involved with WWPNA since 2008 when I took over preparing the quarterly newsletter until 2018. At that time I became a board member.
What committees do you participate in or lead?
Until recently, I've been the chair of the communications committee building and maintaining our previous website and I continue taking care of our newsletter advertisers. I'm also on the July 4th Celebration planning committee.
What is your background / expertise?
Drawing, graphic arts and publication design has always been my strong suite. I have a degree from the Art Institute in Advertising design.
What do you love about living in this neighborhood?
WWPark has always been so comfortable and easy to live in. So close to Denver's premiere park and the downtown area is great. In my humble opinion and after living in 6 different states, West Washington Park is the best place to live.
What is your favorite event or favorite experience related to WWPNA?
Well being a social butterfly, of course I love organizing and celebrating with everyone at the Annual 4th of July Celebration every year. Every once in a while, WWPNA will put on a community Happy Hour at a local restaurant/bar and that's a great way to get to know your neighbors.
Why do you volunteer your time with this organization?
Originally, being self-employed and working from home, volunteering gave me a way to get out of the house. Now, after all the years, the association has become like family and I truly care about our community.
What value do you think WWPNA brings to the neighborhood?
WWPNA gives residents and our members an outlet to voice their concerns about their homes, their block and things going on around them. We honestly listen and try to help our residents with their needs or home projects or direct them to specific city government departments.