Click on the events below for more information

April Board & Member Meeting
Everyone is welcome, please join us for our monthly meeting!
The meeting will be held at the Washington Street Community Center, with a Zoom option for those who are unable to attend in person.
To attend virtually, please use this link to register for the Zoom meeting.

Electronics Recycling Sponsored by Royal Crest Dairy
Location: Royal Crest Dairy 310 South Pearl Street
FREE: radios/stereos, speakers, mice, keyboards printers, bathroom appliances, kitchen appliances, cameras, clocks, small electric power tools, lamps, phones, vacuums, ink and toner, computers, servers, laptops, cell phones, flat screen TVs and monitors, Li ion laptop batteries,sealed lead acid batteries, APC battery backup units, CRT TVs t and monitors under 18 inches* (NO CRACKED, SHATTERED OR EXPOSED CRT SCREENS)
*non-members pay $2/diagonal inch: CRT TVs and monitors or, purchase an annual WWPNA membership at the event
NOT ACCEPTED: items housed in wood/plywood including but not limited to: TVs, speakers, stereos, etc; items containing freonincluding but not limited to: refrigerators, freezers, water coolers, air conditioners, fans with a cooling element, etc; items containing gas and oil including but not limited to: lawn mowers, snow blowers, heaters; large appliances including but not limited to: washers, dryers, dish washers, range tops/ovens, treadmills, exercise bikes, other large exercise equipment; batteries other than the three types listed above, alkaline batteries (aa, aaa, dd, etc), light bulbs of any kind.
A BIG thank you to our community partner Royal Crest Dairy. Their financial and organizing support made this event 100% free to our members!

May Board & Member Meeting
Everyone is welcome, please join us for our monthly meeting!
The meeting will be held at the Washington Street Community Center, with a Zoom option for those who are unable to attend in person.
To attend virtually, please use this link to register for the Zoom meeting.

June Board & Member Meeting
Everyone is welcome, please join us for our monthly meeting!
The meeting will be held at the Washington Street Community Center, with a Zoom option for those who are unable to attend in person.
To attend virtually, please use this link to register for the Zoom meeting.

July Board & Member Meeting
Everyone is welcome, please join us for our monthly meeting!
The meeting will be held at the Washington Street Community Center, with a Zoom option for those who are unable to attend in person.
To attend virtually, please use this link to register for the Zoom meeting.

March Member & Board Meeting
Everyone is welcome, please join us for our monthly meeting!
The meeting will be held at the Blackbird Public House, with a Zoom option for those who are unable to attend in person.
To attend virtually, please use this link to register for the Zoom meeting.

Feb Board & Member Meeting
Everyone is welcome, please join us for our monthly meeting!
The meeting was held at the Washington Street Community Center, with a Zoom option for those who were unable to attend in person.
To review the recording or chat history, please use the following links:

Wellness and Fitness Expo
Get ready for the Fitness & Wellness Expo, brought to you by the West Washington Park Neighborhood Association! 🎉 It's the perfect chance to connect with local businesses and crush your fitness and wellness goals. 💪✨ This FREE, fun-filled event spans 3 days, featuring multiple check-in spots, a map of all participating businesses, and a VIP Expo Swag Bag for every participant! 🗺️🎁 Don't miss out! #FitnessFun #WellnessGoals #WWPNAExpo #VIPSwag #CommunityConnections

Wellness and Fitness Expo
Get ready for the Fitness & Wellness Expo, brought to you by the West Washington Park Neighborhood Association! 🎉 It's the perfect chance to connect with local businesses and crush your fitness and wellness goals. 💪✨ This FREE, fun-filled event spans 3 days, featuring multiple check-in spots, a map of all participating businesses, and a VIP Expo Swag Bag for every participant! 🗺️🎁 Don't miss out! #FitnessFun #WellnessGoals #WWPNAExpo #VIPSwag #CommunityConnections

Wellness and Fitness Expo
Get ready for the Fitness & Wellness Expo, brought to you by the West Washington Park Neighborhood Association! 🎉 It's the perfect chance to connect with local businesses and crush your fitness and wellness goals. 💪✨ This FREE, fun-filled event spans 3 days, featuring multiple check-in spots, a map of all participating businesses, and a VIP Expo Swag Bag for every participant! 🗺️🎁 Don't miss out! #FitnessFun #WellnessGoals #WWPNAExpo #VIPSwag #CommunityConnections

Jan Board Meeting
Everyone is welcome, please join us for our monthly meeting! This is our 2025 Meeting - with Goals & News for WWPNA
The meeting will be held at the Washington Street Community Center, with a Zoom option for those who are unable to attend in person.
To attend virtually, please use this link to register for the Zoom meeting.

December WWPNA Holiday Mixer
Join your WWPNA Board members and neighbors for our annual holiday mixer. Bring an unwrapped toy for our children’s toy drive and earn a raffle ticket for a gift card to a local business. Dress in your best holiday fit and earn a raffle ticket for the holiday event at Wash Park we all love… Stay tuned

Monthly Zoning Committee Meeting (Copy)
Please join us virtually for our monthly Zoning Committee meeting by registering at the following URL
Monthly WWPNA Zoning Committee meeting (via Zoom)
December 17, 2024, 6:30pm
1000 S Logan rezoning (council hearing)
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless rezoning request: 587 & 595 S Lincoln St
Share your topics for concerns or review for revived WWPNA Land Use & Transportation Committee

December Board Meeting
The meeting will be held at the Washington Street Community Center, with a Zoom option for those who are unable to attend in person.
Please view the agenda as a Google Doc here:
To attend virtually, please use this link to register for the Zoom meeting.
WWPNA Zoning Meeting (Copy)
Please join our virtual meeting via Zoom at this link

November Board Meeting
The meeting will be held at the Washington Street Community Center, with a Zoom option for those who are unable to attend in person.
Please view the agenda as a Google Doc here:
To attend virtually, please use this link to register for the Zoom meeting.
October WWPNA Happy Hour Post-Parade Mixer
Join us for a Post Parade Mixer. All those from the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party are welcome. Come in theme: “Alice in Washparkland” and earn a raffle ticket for a gift card to a local business.

Broadway Halloween Parade
Your events committee is bringing you the most fantastic float at this year’s parade! Walk/roll with us in this year’s parade! If you or your business would like to Sponsor or participate: contact Brittney for more information about our theme, Alice in WashParkLand, to help build the float or create the costumes.
Halloween Parade Float Decor day
Join us to decorate the Mat Hatter’s Table. Please bring a snack to share or a drink for your fellow party people. Can’t wait to see you in Washparkland!!
Fall 2024 General Membership and Board Meeting
The WWPNA Fall General Membership meeting. The meeting will be held at the Washington Street Community Center, with a Zoom option for those who are unable to attend in person.
To attend virtually, please use this link to register for the Zoom meeting.

Monthly Zoning Committee Meeting
Please join us virtually for our monthly Zoning Committee meeting by registering at the following URL

Neighborhood & Garden Tour
This is a FREE event. No tickets necessary. Participants will have information about their homes on display the day of the event for neighbors to enjoy.

WWPNA Rezoning Request Neighborhood Meeting: 1000 S. Logan
Please attend our hybrid neighborhood meeting in person at the Washington Street Community Center, or over Zoom using this registration link.

Wash Park 125th Anniversary Jubilee
A free community celebration for one of Denver’s favorite spots!
In the late 1800s, as Denver was evolving from a frontier settlement, the citizens decided they wanted trees and gardens in their dusty town, they wanted parks. So in 1899 City Landscape Architect Reinhard Schuetze drew up the plans for Washington Park. 125 years later, this verdant urban forest is alive with bloom and birdsong and the collective effervescence of nearly a million visitors a year.
This park deserves a party and you’re invited!
Photography and Essay Contest May 15-June 30. Visit the respective website for details. and
Wednesday, August 7th party activities:
Free day at the Rec Center
10:00: Loop Road Walk with dog parade and South High Drum Line
10:00- 1:00 Copsicle Cruisers see video
10:00 -2:00: Shift 1 Cycling without Age: 3 trishaws with pilots offer rides around the loop road, BOAT HOUSE
11:00-5:00: Displays of Washington Park History, BOAT HOUSE
11:00-5:00 Educational Booths, BOAT HOUSE
11:00-1:00 Food Trucks, BOAT HOUSE
11:00 -3:00: Rocky Mountain Wildlife Alliance with live animals (raptors), BOAT HOUSE
11:00-4:00: Public Voting on Photography Contest finalists, BOAT HOUSE
11:00-5:00: Activities in the park:
tour of the Eugene Field House
garden and park scavenger hunts
tennis clinics
lawn bowling instruction
2:00 -7:00: Shift 2 Cycling without Age: 3 trishaws, BOAT HOUSE
5:00-7:00: Food Trucks, BOAT HOUSE
5:00 Dignitaries Welcome, announce contest winners of Photography and Essay Contests, BOAT HOUSE
5:30- 7:30: Musical entertainment, BOAT HOUSE

Food Trucks at Washington Park
Food Trucks Coming to Washington Park
WEDNESDAYS: 4:00 - 8:00 PM
A secondary location for Washington Park will be the Dos Chappell Bathhouse (600 S Marion St. Pkwy, Denver, 80209). This location will be utilized when there are other events taking place in the Diagonal.
About the Food Truck Pilot Program
Denver Parks and Recreation (DPR) is pleased to announce a pilot food truck hub coming to some Denver parks this summer—Feast in Denver’s Nature! This expansion of food and beverage offerings is intended to enhance park activation and quality social experiences for park users. Please share this message and the online application linked below with all food truck vendors in your network and your neighborhood.
This pilot program is limited to the sites listed above at this time. Success of the pilot will be evaluated at the end of the year along with the ability to expand in the future.

Food Trucks at Washington Park
Food Trucks Coming to Washington Park
WEDNESDAYS: 4:00 - 8:00 PM
A secondary location for Washington Park will be the Dos Chappell Bathhouse (600 S Marion St. Pkwy, Denver, 80209). This location will be utilized when there are other events taking place in the Diagonal.
About the Food Truck Pilot Program
Denver Parks and Recreation (DPR) is pleased to announce a pilot food truck hub coming to some Denver parks this summer—Feast in Denver’s Nature! This expansion of food and beverage offerings is intended to enhance park activation and quality social experiences for park users. Please share this message and the online application linked below with all food truck vendors in your network and your neighborhood.
This pilot program is limited to the sites listed above at this time. Success of the pilot will be evaluated at the end of the year along with the ability to expand in the future.